The test protocol for the DEMONS IPFIX Interop, held as CESNET, Prague, Czech Republic, 24-25 March 2011, is now available.
Testing will focus on normal operation of the protocol over SCTP as specified in RFC 5101; TCP and UDP will be tested according to the capabilities of the participants’ implementation. We will concentrate on the following scenarios, which cover areas of protocol development since the last interoperability test in 2006.
- Normal session establishment, template and record export, and teardown
- Export and collection on multiple streams
- Template withdrawal and expiration, and template ID reuse
- Secure session establishment using TLS or DTLS
Core tests will be matrix tests (each exporter (EP) to each collector (CP) for each capable transport), with the following conditions necessary for a successful test for an EP/CP pair:
- The EP can connect to the CP
- The EP can export Templates to the CP
- The EP can export Flows according to those Templates to the CP
- The Flows received at the CP are identical to those sent by the EP, considering any mismatch between the internal data models of the EP and CP.
- The EP can export to the CP on at least two Streams, if the EP supports multiple stream export. (SCTP only)
- The EP can withdraw and reuse a Template ID successfully with the CP, if the EP supports template withdrawal.
- The EP can withdraw a Template on one Stream that was used on another Stream, and reuse its ID, if the EP supports template withdrawal. (SCTP only)
- The EP can allow a Template to expire and reuse a Template ID successfully with the CP, if the EP supports Template ID reuse. (UDP only)
Of course, as the interoperability event will provide an open and flexible environment for testing, other testing will be run according to the capabilities of the participating implementations, and the priorities of the participants.